Atlantic Salmon

Atlantic Salmon is a popular choice due to its very mild salmon flavor and firm meat. The Atlantic Salmon is anadromous, born in freshwater, migrating to the sea, and then returning to freshwater for spawning. With a streamlined body boasting a silver-blue color and spots on the upper body, these salmon can grow impressively large, with some reaching up to 30 inches in length and over 30 pounds in weight. Due to overfishing and environmental changes, wild Atlantic salmon populations have seen a significant decline, leading to a rise in farm-raised Atlantic salmon, particularly in countries like Norway, Scotland, and Canada.

In terms of culinary use, the Atlantic salmon is highly prized for its firm texture, high fat content, and rich, slightly sweet flavor, making it versatile for a variety of cooking methods including grilling, broiling, baking, and poaching. It's also a common choice for sushi and smoked salmon products. Nutritionally, Atlantic salmon is a robust source of high-quality protein, heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids, and several essential vitamins and minerals such as vitamin D, vitamin B12, and selenium. Regular consumption contributes to a wholesome diet and offers multiple health benefits. However, maintaining the sustainability of Atlantic salmon farming and the health of wild populations is crucial for preserving this valuable resource for the future. Fresh and fresh-frozen Atlantic Salmon can be purchased online and delivered to your home year round. Clicking the links below will take you to a new window eBay with the Atlantic salmon for sale.

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Premium Fresh Atlantic Salmon Fillets Skinless Individually Vacuum Packed
Premium Fresh Atlantic Salmon Fillets Skinless Individually Vacuum Packed

Whole Fresh Natural Atlantic Salmon Fillet Skin On Vacuum Packed 100 Natural
Whole Fresh Natural Atlantic Salmon Fillet Skin On Vacuum Packed 100 Natural

MemberS Mark Canned Atlantic Salmon 7 Oz 5 Pk
MemberS Mark Canned Atlantic Salmon 7 Oz 5 Pk

Irvins Salted Egg Salmon Skin Chips Crisps 300g Pack of 2
Irvins Salted Egg Salmon Skin Chips Crisps 300g Pack of 2